In A Real Tragedy, It Is Not The Heroine Who Dies;
It Is The Chorus
Premiere: 07 October 2021, Box, Deutsches Theater Radar Ost Festival
Time and time again, artists are silenced for their beliefs and their art. This show gives stories like these a voice. Because the real tragedy is not the death of the individual hero; it is the death of the chorus — in other words, the community.
In A Real Tragedy is a docu-fictional digital theater performance based on the “political show trial” surrounding the production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, directed by Kirill Serebrennikov, and the revolutionary movement in Belarus, in which women in particular are committed to visibility and solidarity. It explores discrimination, as well as the silencing and violent repression of artists.
Performed by Yang Ge and Leicy Valenzuela.
Director and Author Ksenia Ravvina Music and Sounddesign Alexandar Hadjiev Video and Poster Design Daniel Hughes Light Design Iana Boitcova Dramaturgy Tina Ebert Production Federico Vöcks de Schwindt, Francesca Spisto Video Assistance Rocio Rodriguez Voice-Coaching Joanna Harries Translation Lisa Homburger, Rachel Mathews
A co-production with Deutsches Theater Berlin and Radar Ost Festival. Supported by the Fund Performing Arts from the NEUSTART KULTUR fund from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media.
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